'sinners' Tagged Posts

'sinners' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 5

Lesson text: Mark 2:13-28 This lesson covers the three central passages in Mark’s early section on the growing animosity toward Jesus on the part of the Jewish leaders. Jesus calls Matthew to be a disciple, after which they dine with tax collectors and “sinners.” The Pharisees then ask Jesus why He and his disciples do not practice fasting. Finally, the question of the Sabbath comes to the forefront, and Jesus makes its purpose clear. Lesson Worksheet Header image by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash.

The Romans Road: Part 3

Lesson text: Romans 5:8 God shows His great love on more ways than we could ever imagine. But the pinnacle of that love was on display at the cross of Calvary. And what is truly amazing about this is that He did it knowing the rebellion and wickedness of humanity. Sermon: “Calvary”In order to gain an understanding of God’s love, it’s vital to grasp the importance of what Jesus did on the cross. This sermon recounts the events of the…