'Son of Man' Tagged Posts

'Son of Man' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 32

Lesson text: Mark 13:24-37 We complete our investigation of the “Olivet Discourse.” Jesus gives instructions regarding the fall of Jerusalem, telling his hearers to escape with haste. There will be false teachers who discourage their departure, but they must not listen to these men. Jesus then describes the day of the Lord, when He will come in the clouds with great power and glory. But because no one knows when that day is coming, He tells His followers that they…

Mark: Lesson 25

Lesson text: Mark 10:35-52 James and John ask Jesus to allow them to sit at His right and left hand in glory. While this angers the other disciples, Jesus sees a teaching opportunity. He explains that greatness in God’s kingdom is based on service, not authority. Jesus Himself had come to earth to serve, not to be served by others. The pinnacle of His service would be His death on the cross. Soon after this, the group passes through Jericho…

Mark: Lesson 4

Lesson text: Mark 2:1-12 Most people have heard the account that begins Mark chapter 2. Four men drop their paralytic friend through the roof so that Jesus can heal him. Jesus’ first response is to tell the men that because of their faith the paralytic man’s sins are forgiven. This is the point where this encounter becomes much more than just a “story” told in children’s church. Lesson worksheet Header image by Guy Kawasaki on Unsplash