For Your Growth

For Your Growth

It’s important to have some “go to” books and resources to help in your Christian growth. But finding the right ones can be a daunting task. Other than just the sheer number of published works, it’s hard to know what the theological bent of any author may be. You’d hate to spend good money on a book only to find that you don’t agree with most of what the author writes. So we’ve gathered together a list of books which are biblically conservative and theologically accurate. You still may not agree with everything you find in them, but they should serve you well.

In addition to this list, Dr. Danny Akin has written a useful pamphlet outlining what he believes are the books you should have if you get serious about building a theological library. This is intended for seminary students, pastors, and scholars, but you would do well to use this as a guidebook for your own library.
Open/Download: Building a Theological Library

Holman Bible Atlas  Amazon / Christian Book

Commentaries (Most technical to least)
New International Commentary of the Old Testament  Amazon / Christian Book
New International Commentary of the New Testament  Amazon / Christian Book
New American Commentary (Old and New Testament)  Amazon  / Christian Book
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary  Amazon  / Christian Book
Thru the Bible (J. Vernon McGee)  Amazon / Christian Book

Strong’s Concordance  Amazon / Christian Book

Evangelical Dictionary of Theology  Amazon  / Christian Book
New International Bible Dictionary  Amazon  / Christian Book

Other Resources
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties  AmazonChristian Book
Introduction to the Old Testament  Amazon  / Christian Book
Introduction to the New Testament  Amazon / Christian Book