'fig tree' Tagged Posts

'fig tree' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 32

Lesson text: Mark 13:24-37 We complete our investigation of the “Olivet Discourse.” Jesus gives instructions regarding the fall of Jerusalem, telling his hearers to escape with haste. There will be false teachers who discourage their departure, but they must not listen to these men. Jesus then describes the day of the Lord, when He will come in the clouds with great power and glory. But because no one knows when that day is coming, He tells His followers that they…

Mark: Lesson 27

Lesson text: Mark 11:15-33 On the day after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus enters the temple complex. He is appalled to see the Court of the Gentiles being used for the selling of animals and for currency exchange. He drives out the vendors because of their misuse of this area intended for worship. This event angers the scribes and chief priests, who now want Jesus dead. The next day, Peter notices that the fig tree cursed by Jesus is…

Mark: Lesson 26

Lesson text: Mark 11:1-14 Chapter 11 begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on what has become known as Palm Sunday. Jesus deliberately rides into the city on the colt of a donkey. This action fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9. Yet the disciples and most of the people watching Him miss the significance of Jesus’ actions. Once in the city, Jesus peruses the temple complex before heading out to Bethany. The next day He curses a fig tree when…