'prayer' Tagged Posts

'prayer' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 34

Lesson text: Mark 14:27-42 Jesus and His disciples have left the upper room and are headed to the Mount of Olives. Along the way, Jesus tells them that they will be scattered before very long. Peter protests, which leads Jesus to tell him he will actually deny his rabbi before the cock crows twice. They arrive at the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus invites Peter, James, and John to join Him in prayer. Jesus is greatly troubled, knowing what lies…

Mark: Lesson 27

Lesson text: Mark 11:15-33 On the day after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus enters the temple complex. He is appalled to see the Court of the Gentiles being used for the selling of animals and for currency exchange. He drives out the vendors because of their misuse of this area intended for worship. This event angers the scribes and chief priests, who now want Jesus dead. The next day, Peter notices that the fig tree cursed by Jesus is…

Mark: Lesson 21

Lesson text: Mark 9:14-29 Jesus and his “inner circle” of Peter, James, and John come down from the mountain to a major uproar. The other disciples are in an argument with some Jewish scribes. The dispute seems to be centered around a demon-possessed boy. The nine who didn’t go up the mountain cannot exorcise the demon. The boy’s father is beside himself. In the midst of this turmoil stands Jesus. What he does and says next are lessons on the…

Mark: Lesson 3

Lesson text: Mark 1:32-45 As Jesus’ fame begins to spread across Galilee, the demands for His miracles grow. The disciples, new to all this excitement, are initally swept up in the commotion. Jesus brings them back to the purpose of His mission, and they set out to preach in the region. As this point a leper asks Jesus for healing. Jesus heals the man but tells him to not spread the news of what Jesus has done. The man disregards…