'death' Tagged Posts

'death' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 36

Lesson text: Mark 14:66-15:15 Jesus has been arrested and is now standing trial before the Sanhedrin. Outside, Peter is sticking close. But a servant girl recognizes him and says he was with Jesus. Peter denies this. In short order, he denies Jesus twice more. At this, he hears the cock crow, reminding him that Jesus said Peter would deny Him. As night turns to morning, the Sanhedrin bring Jesus to Pontius Pilate. They need Pilate to endorse their death sentence.…

Mark: Lesson 29

Lesson text: Mark 12:18-34 Jesus’ crucifixion week encounters continue with the Sadducees approaching Him. These Jewish leaders did not believe in the resurrection or angels, and were skeptical about anything supernatural. The Sadducees, wanting to embarrass Jesus, ask Him about how death and remarriage work in the resurrection. Jesus responds by telling them they are sorely mistaken about Scripture. A scribe, impressed by Jesus’ response to the Sadducees, poses a sincere question to Jesus about the greatest commandment. Jesus takes…

Mark: Lesson 22

Lesson text: Mark 9:30-50 Jesus predicts His impending death on the cross to the disciples for a second time. On this occasion, He adds that He will be betrayed, or given over, into the hands of men. In the aftermath of this prophecy, Jesus takes the disciples aside for an extending teaching time. This begins with His response to their debate over who is the greatest. He then explains that any who serve in His name are part of His…

Mark: Lesson 19

Lesson text: Mark 8:22-36 The second half of the eighth chapter of Mark’s gospel is momentous. This is a pivot point in the narrative of Jesus’ earthly mission. For the first time, Jesus plainly explains to His disciples why He has come. While they are expecting that Jesus will set up his earthly reign, He explains that He is destined to die on a cross. Peter is not having any of it, and he lets Jesus know. Jesus in turn…

The Romans Road: Part 2

Lesson text: Romans 6:23 This is the turning point in the Romans Road gospel presentation. Up to now the focus has been on humanity’s sin. Now we see the change from our hopeless sin problem to deliverance through faith in Jesus. Sermon: “A Scary Story” The sermon focuses on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man from Luke 16:19-31 and serves as the lead-in to this Bible study. Lesson Page