Posts from August 2022

Posts from August 2022

Mark: Lesson 31

Lesson text: Mark 12:3-23 Leaving the temple complex, Jesus leads His disciples up to the Mount of Olives. There He presents what has come to be known as the Olivet Discourse. Jesus alternates between prophecies about the destruction of the temple and the Day of the Lord. Underlying this, He encourages their (and our) faithfulness and obedience. Lesson worksheet Header image by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash.

Mark: Lesson 30

Lesson text: Mark 12:35-44; Mark 13:1-2 As Jesus completes His public ministry, a few matters remain. Sitting in the temple, He asks how the Messiah can be David’s Son and his Lord? This is another challenge to the Jewish leaders’ understanding of Scripture. He then warns the people of the hypocrisy and self-serving nature of the scribes. Just before leaving the temple, Jesus notices a widow giving all she has as an offering. Her generosity is a stark contrast to…

Mark: Lesson 29

Lesson text: Mark 12:18-34 Jesus’ crucifixion week encounters continue with the Sadducees approaching Him. These Jewish leaders did not believe in the resurrection or angels, and were skeptical about anything supernatural. The Sadducees, wanting to embarrass Jesus, ask Him about how death and remarriage work in the resurrection. Jesus responds by telling them they are sorely mistaken about Scripture. A scribe, impressed by Jesus’ response to the Sadducees, poses a sincere question to Jesus about the greatest commandment. Jesus takes…

Mark: Lesson 28

Lesson text: Mark 12:1-17 Continuing His exchange with the Jewish leaders from chapter 11, Jesus recounts a parable about a vineyard. The owner has entrusted the vineyard to tenants who abuse, injure, and even kill the owner’s servants who are sent to collect the rent. When he sends his son, they decide to kill him so they can take possession of the vineyard. Jesus has harsh words for these tenants, which angers the Jewish leaders. The next day they attempt…

Mark: Lesson 27

Lesson text: Mark 11:15-33 On the day after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus enters the temple complex. He is appalled to see the Court of the Gentiles being used for the selling of animals and for currency exchange. He drives out the vendors because of their misuse of this area intended for worship. This event angers the scribes and chief priests, who now want Jesus dead. The next day, Peter notices that the fig tree cursed by Jesus is…