'resurrection' Tagged Posts

'resurrection' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 39

Lesson text: Mark 16:1-8 The chapter begins with the women going to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body. But they’re met by an angel who tells them that Jesus has risen from the dead! He instructs the women to tell the disciples, including Peter, that Jesus will meet them in Galilee. They see that the tomb is empty, but they’re fearful to tell anyone what they’ve been told. A majority of modern scholars believe that this is where Mark’s gospel…

Mark: Lesson 29

Lesson text: Mark 12:18-34 Jesus’ crucifixion week encounters continue with the Sadducees approaching Him. These Jewish leaders did not believe in the resurrection or angels, and were skeptical about anything supernatural. The Sadducees, wanting to embarrass Jesus, ask Him about how death and remarriage work in the resurrection. Jesus responds by telling them they are sorely mistaken about Scripture. A scribe, impressed by Jesus’ response to the Sadducees, poses a sincere question to Jesus about the greatest commandment. Jesus takes…