'Messiah' Tagged Posts

'Messiah' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 30

Lesson text: Mark 12:35-44; Mark 13:1-2 As Jesus completes His public ministry, a few matters remain. Sitting in the temple, He asks how the Messiah can be David’s Son and his Lord? This is another challenge to the Jewish leaders’ understanding of Scripture. He then warns the people of the hypocrisy and self-serving nature of the scribes. Just before leaving the temple, Jesus notices a widow giving all she has as an offering. Her generosity is a stark contrast to…

Mark: Lesson 25

Lesson text: Mark 10:35-52 James and John ask Jesus to allow them to sit at His right and left hand in glory. While this angers the other disciples, Jesus sees a teaching opportunity. He explains that greatness in God’s kingdom is based on service, not authority. Jesus Himself had come to earth to serve, not to be served by others. The pinnacle of His service would be His death on the cross. Soon after this, the group passes through Jericho…

Mark: Lesson 19

Lesson text: Mark 8:22-36 The second half of the eighth chapter of Mark’s gospel is momentous. This is a pivot point in the narrative of Jesus’ earthly mission. For the first time, Jesus plainly explains to His disciples why He has come. While they are expecting that Jesus will set up his earthly reign, He explains that He is destined to die on a cross. Peter is not having any of it, and he lets Jesus know. Jesus in turn…