'denial' Tagged Posts

'denial' Tagged Posts

Mark: Lesson 36

Lesson text: Mark 14:66-15:15 Jesus has been arrested and is now standing trial before the Sanhedrin. Outside, Peter is sticking close. But a servant girl recognizes him and says he was with Jesus. Peter denies this. In short order, he denies Jesus twice more. At this, he hears the cock crow, reminding him that Jesus said Peter would deny Him. As night turns to morning, the Sanhedrin bring Jesus to Pontius Pilate. They need Pilate to endorse their death sentence.…

Mark: Lesson 34

Lesson text: Mark 14:27-42 Jesus and His disciples have left the upper room and are headed to the Mount of Olives. Along the way, Jesus tells them that they will be scattered before very long. Peter protests, which leads Jesus to tell him he will actually deny his rabbi before the cock crows twice. They arrive at the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus invites Peter, James, and John to join Him in prayer. Jesus is greatly troubled, knowing what lies…