Sermons from December 2023

Sermons from December 2023

One Jesus: The Powerful Price

Sermon text: Romans 5:12-19 In reading this passage recently, Gene Thomasson was struck by the significance of how the actions of our “Federal Head,” Adam, had such far-reaching and multiplied effects upon all of mankind and how the Great Price that Jesus paid to free us from the penalty of that one act can be multiplied to many, also. However, there is a responsibility that has been placed upon us. Header image by William White on Unsplash.

What Are You Looking Forward To?

Sermon text: Romans 8:19 As we examine this single verse, we are prompted to review what is usually referred to as the “protoevangelion” in Genesis 3:15. In doing so, we see clearly the significance of our text. Francis Schaeffer once said that, as beautiful as the created world around is, it is still the “Sin charred remains of what once was.” Header image by Nick Fewings on Unsplash.