Sermons from August 2023
Not the Only Fishers of Men
Text: Habakkuk 1:13-17 Finishing out the first chapter of the prophet’s exchange with Yahweh, we, not only, “see” that he realizes the purity and holiness of the One to Whom he a been complaining, we are, also, able to relate the truths to the importance of our standing to the task of “catching” the people of our very own society, before they are trapped and, forever, lost to the Kingdom.
Higher Ground
Text: Philippians 3:12-14 Paul’s model was to put aside what had come before, good and bad, and keep his eyes focused on what the Lord had in front of him. It’s so easy to look back at our former glory or to hang onto past hurts. But the big question is, what are you looking forward to?