Sermons from July 2023
Habakkuk’s Response to Yahweh’s Answer – Confidence
Text: Habakkuk 1:12 It is almost as though Habakkuk suddenly realizes Who has responded to him and begins to “take stock.” In this single verse, we find, rather densely packed, nine attributes/characteristics of Yahweh God. It is exciting to realize with wonder the majesty of the One Who Loves us so much, as we briefly look at these areas of confidence that the prophet expresses.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
Text: Habakkuk 1:5-11 As (so it would seem) Yahweh God responds to Habbabuk’s complaint, we begin to see a reflection of our own current culture, only to realize that, just maybe, the difficulties we are experiencing could be a judgment from the Lord on His rather divided called out assembly. The prophet learns that the Lord will be using a wicked nation to discipline His people. Could this be repeating itself with the Church?
Embracing the Poet Prophet Habakkuk
Text: Habakkuk 1:1-4 In much the same way as when we began our series in James, we begin our study in Habakkuk asking the questions: Who was he? When did he live and write? What were the circumstances occasioning his writing? Why do we call him a poet prophet? What does his name mean and why was he named that? Why ask “Why?”