"Christ" Tagged Sermons

"Christ" Tagged Sermons

Resurrection Life Now

Sermon text: Romans 5:20-6:5 Easter Sunday is a time when we usually look back with gratitude to what Jesus did on the cross. We should rejoice in the fact that He conquered the grave by rising from the dead. In Romans 6, we are encouraged to make that resurrection life a present personal possession, to live the resurrection life in the moments we have now.

Listen to Him!

Sermon text: Matthew 16:28-17:5 Within a week of predicting that some of the disciples would “see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom, Jesus takes three, His inner circle, up on a mountain. There He is “transfigured” before them, a kind of fulfilment of the prediction. As we look at this passage, we see some key relationships that lead to a command from the “Cloud.” These relationships serve as “credentials” or “endorsements” to prompt us to obey the command…